Biodegradable Glitter Disclaimer

We get a lot of questions about biodegradable glitter, and we want to be transparent!  We currently do not offer any biodegradable options, however there is a plan set to start a line of Le Sort Biodegradable glitters very soon. We are hoping to create a cosmetic grade, 100% biodegradable line of glitter gels.

The esthetics and the biodegradable qualities don’t always go hand in hand at this point because most holographic, duo chrome, and shaped glitter components typically aren’t biodegradable.   The biodegradable glitters available tend to look less shiny, kind of dull, and only available in a few colors currently.

Moreover, most “biodegradable glitters” are actually only 90% biodegradable according to the MSDS (Medical Safety Data Sheet) provided information by their manufacturer. The plastic surface tends to be replaced with a plant cellulose which IS degradable but the aluminum that is used to create the “shine” is still NOT degradable! Some glitters are labeled as “biodegradable”, however they are made from Polylactic Acid (PLA), this material only biodegrades in an industrial composting machine so is the same as wearing plastic when used on the skin. We are always researching and working to expand our biodegradable options from glitter manufactures.

Also, true biodegradable glitter also tends to be around 6-8X the price for way less sparkle! Furthermore, biodegradable glitter starts to degrade after 4 months when mixed with the gel mix, which makes it costly to facilitate, and monitor the freshness. When we do develop a biodegradable line they will unfortunately be more expensive, however we do find it important to eventually provide this option!

Keep in mind that glitter as a whole only facilitates less than one percent of the combined microplastics and plastics put into the environment every year! Plastic packaging, and disposable plastics are the biggest contributors to plastics and microplastics being put into our environment, and waterways.

We recommend that you use a makeup wipe, lint roller, or any disposable, degradable product to remove any glitter, instead of washing it down into our waterways! We also encourage you to recycle any plastic packaging in order to help re-use, and recycle any plastic containers! We also recommend trying to use our “glitter lube” with glitter that you already have to reduce your carbon footprint.

Be informed!  Ask questions!  It's your money and you should be able to support your eco sparkle with total confidence in your purchases.